Following are excerpts from an interview I did with Glenn Bourke regarding Fleet Strategy. Glenn is an Olympian, an Americas Cup crew, an Ocean racer and a multiple world champion in several classes. He is known for his attention to detail and meticulous approach to preparation and then execution out on the racetrack. FREE BOOK - TIPS FROM SAILING LEGENDS BRETT: Do you...
One of the biggest tactical problems that you need to consider when fleet racing is how to avoid wind shadows. Avoiding other boats on the course is really important and you must be constantly aware of the significant effects of bad air. In any race with a large number of competitors, you will normally sail in disturbed air for at...
    There is a sequence of actions required to prepare and execute a race series and you must focus only on what's important. Pre-Regatta Plan logistics well in advance and make sure everything on your boat is in working order. If you have a trailer or transport vehicle make sure that all maintenance is up to date. This includes the pesky wiring...
I have copied below excerpts from an interview I did on Strategy and Tactics with Australian sailing legend Rob Brown. Rob was a crew member on Australia 2 when they won the Americas Cup in 1983, breaking the longest winning streak in sporting history. Rob was also multiple 18 foot skiff world champion amongst the impressive sailing back catalogue...
With many of us in the Southern Hemisphere getting ready to head off to National championships and the Sydney to Hobart big boats already finished I thought it was a great time to re-post good mate David Dellenbaugh's article, Ingredients of Success. As I have mentioned before, Dave's website is the best resource that I have found on the...
Simplify your tactics - Every sailor has bad days and when debriefing after the days event many competitors realise that if they had not tried to be too fancy, the end result would have been better. FREE SAILING GLOVES Keep Your Thinking Process Simple - Sailing as a sport is complicated enough without concentrating on the wrong aspects of a race which...
I have copied below excerpts from an excellent article written by sailing legend and coach Dave Dellenbaugh of regarding losing sailing control on the race course.  In the article he speaks about how to avoid losing control of your strategy, tactics and race. Techniques to avoid being controlled You must work hard to avoid being pinned by your competitor, and...
Whether it be a single race or a regatta, you need to develop a race day routine if you want to be successful. This is not only for those in Fantasy land at the back of the boat but everyone onboard needs to be included. This ensures that every crew member understands their position, duties and what is expected...
  We all need help to overcome emotions when having a bad day. On occasion, all of us let a poor performance on the water affect the eventual outcome of a race or regatta. Your emotions in the heat of battle will determine your success. How Do We Turn The Tide In Our Favour If you are competing in a multiple-race regatta and...
Both Strategy and Tactics are important
Strategy and tactics are the key ingredients of your plan to ensure success and fun for the day's sailing event. What is Strategy?  A definition of strategy is having a plan for how you would like to sail a race if there were no other boats on the course. Tactics are being able to adapt quickly to changing situations, that is,...




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