To many it seems like voodoo but What Is The Role of A Tactician? Being the tactician on any boat is a high-pressure position with quick thinking being a pre-requisite so it's not a job for the faint-hearted. The Tactician is a Leader A tactician must be a strong leader and must be a constant motivator. They are the eyes and ears...
The best way to get asked back is to Be A Great Offshore Crewmate.  I have just been following the Transpac online and that got me thinking. How could I get invited to be a part of the crew on one of the competing boats? How To Be Asked To Come Again Considering there are only 41 boats competing from a country...
  Regardless of what a lot of sailors will tell you, it has been reported that up to 90% of sailors experience seasickness, whether it be mild or violent, at some time in their sailing career. How To Manage Seasickness Seasickness can be compared with a mild to a massive hangover. For some, the only relief comes when the boat reaches...
Find, Manage and Keep a Race Crew, this is probably the crux of a successful offshore team. Having the right crew on your boat is as important as the sails and equipment and contributes completely to the fun you have both on the boat racing and afterwards off the boat socialising. Putting The Team Together As a skipper and leader on...
Crew Assignments On a single-handed boat you steer, trim sails, watch the instruments, read the compass, track the fleet, call the tactics and attend to a myriad of other responsibilities to get you around the course as fast as possible. Two Person Boat - Crew Assignments When there is two or more crew on a boat it is important that each sailor's...




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