Prepare yourself to win Many racing sailors talk themselves out of first-place finishes because they have not prepared to win. Is it Them Or Something External? They convince themselves that they have poor boat speed or they tack out of a perfectly good spot on the course and blame it on a wind shift that they thought would come. There's always something...
  Keep the Upper Hand and Keep The Playing Field Tipped In Your Favour.  To do this in Sailing, you need to have the experience to prioritise what you should be working on. You need the resources to travel to where the best competition is and to have the best possible equipment that you can afford. You must also be prepared to...
  Actions That Will Improve Your Sailing Skills. You are unlikely to win every race you enter but you can learn something new every time you go out on the water. For the champions of our sport, learning is one of the most rewarding aspects of competition. Race as many different boats and classes as possible. Different boats react differently concerning changes... Use Your Smartphone for GPS Tracking. You don't need any special hardware to do live tracking. Use your smartphone with the TackTracker app for iPhone or Android and instantly create a live race or training session.  Discover how utilising TackTrackers GPS tracking system gives you the exact steps to work out how and where to improve your boat speed and...
We all love to race but racing is sometimes a slow way to learn how to make your boat faster. Two boat training is one of the best ways to get rapid on water improvement. Importantly, the training must be structured to get the quickest results.  I have set out below, some elements that will guarantee a successful on-water experience. Decide what...
Having a tuning partner is one of the best ways to get value from your on-water practice sessions. In these times of no racing, and fewer boats out sailing, keeping your skills sharp means solo training. Have a Training Plan - Solo Training Before you head out, it's important to have a plan but it is just as important to have...
  Improve Your Sailing While in Lockdown. If you are like me, you have been spending time away from the boat. We have used that time to get all things computer and home office up to date.  Those jobs that have been carried forward in your diary for what seems like years.  While this has been great, one downside of all...
Practice techniques for sailing. You will have invested considerable time money and effort to enter and travel to a sailing event so it makes sense to invest some time into preparation involving well-planned practice hours leading up to the races. Dedicated practice rather than just racing - Practice Techniques For Sailing It amazes me, how many competitors at events that I...
Now that most of us in the Southern Hemisphere have completed our National championships, our attention must turn to analysing our results so that we can improve for next year's competition.   Some competitors will be more than satisfied with the end result but for most, now that they have competed on the same track with the best in their class,...
Take Your Sailing to the Next Level. If you want to improve your results and strive to get to the next level you need to dedicate many hours to the sport, even if you can’t sail every day, making a commitment to sailing as often as possible and in as many conditions as possible is the key. Play to your...




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