Use Your Smartphone for GPS Tracking. You don’t need any special hardware to do live tracking. Use your smartphone with the TackTracker app for iPhone or Android and instantly create a live race or training session.
Discover how utilising TackTrackers GPS tracking system gives you the exact steps to work out how and where to improve your boat speed and tactics without breaking the bank.
Coaches all over the world are using the TackTracker system in their training sessions.
Replay your day’s training or a race or series when sailing against other TackTracker-equipped boats. Work out where you gained or lost leg by leg or what you could have done to get a better outcome.
The TackTracker analytics will show you where you were strong and where you need to improve. Did you choose the wrong side of the course, sit in bad air too long or simply miss a big shift?
In a race situation, you can pick the boats you want to compare. Conversely, you can view the whole fleet, and graphics show each boat’s speed and VMG.
The analytics show you where you won and lost. What you learn from this will ensure that you will not fall into the same trap again.
To learn more visit TackTracker – Live Tracking
If you can’t find what you want on our comprehensive website, have a question or simply want to discuss tracking for coaching, training or racing, email:
AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND: Brett Bowden brett@sailingtowin.com
EUROPE: Simon Lovesey info@sailracer.co.uk
THE REST of THE WORLD: Greg Seers sales@tacktracker.com