. 5 Sailing Tips Tip 1: Stay Focused A lapse in concentration at a critical time in a race can cost you several places. This sounds obvious, it is impossible to give 100 per cent concentration all the time.  If sailing in a crewed boat don't let conversations wander away from the race. This is just as important for the time on the...
  Racing Tips to Improve Your Sailing. When you want to kick your sailing performance up to the next level, many sailors think first of spending money – buying new sails, replacing gear, or even buying a new boat. In most cases, a number of small and easy improvements in your technique can yield great results using the gear that you...
. We need to employ the best tactical foresight out on the racecourse for staying out of trouble. We must be observant otherwise we can still often get ourselves into a jam. To that end, I have outlined below some tips to enable you to dig your way out. Ducking a Competitor: The main reason that you have to duck is to...
Copying The Champions In Your Fleet - To someone unfamiliar with our sport, two identical boats should sail at the same speed given equal crews, the same wind, and the same wave conditions. Small Changes Can Make a Huge Difference What an outsider may not realise is that small changes in identical equipment can make big differences in boat speed and...
There are plenty of ways that a beginner can become a winner. There are an enormous number of ways that we can get better results out on the racecourse, not the least of which is time on the water. Unfortunately, time is not something that many of us have to spare in any great quantity. I have laid out below a...
    We all need upwind sailing tips and who better to tell us how other than Noel Drennan Noel is well known across the world in sailing circles and has done and achieved more than most sailors could ever dream of in their lifetime and therefore is imminently qualified to give us tips about how to get faster upwind. Classes he has...
If you're a competing sailor, you know that the sport requires a lot of skill, knowledge, and practice. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned sailor, there's always room for improvement. But where do you start? How can you take your sailing skills to the next level? With so much information out there, it can be overwhelming to know which...
  Tips from Sailing Greats and legends. CORRECTION TO LAST WEEK'S BLOG. In my haste to send out my already late Blog, during the paring down to make the article short and easy to read I eliminated the essence of  "shifting Gears in a Lull" what should have been included follows in bold italics. Bearing off to restore luff telltale flow in a...
Tips For Races and Regatta Sailing - Watching the Olympic sailing, with the silky smooth boat handling and tactics it got me thinking about the basic things that the rest of us at all levels below the Olympians must have instinctively dialled in. In a multi-race series consistency is probably the big one but there are a number of other...
This Week a bit of Fun - Top 20 Sailing Superstitions Because of the dangers faced by sailors and fishermen, there are countless superstitions around safety and luck on the sea. Some seem a little strange today. While most no longer apply, we're guessing that some still linger in sailors’ minds. 20. Re-naming a boatIt is bad luck to change the...




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