Psychology and How it Affects your Sailing Excerpts from an interview I did with Dr Gavin Dagley, Consulting Psychologist and Executive coach with a reputation for results and performance development. Gavin is a very accomplished sailor having won amongst many other titles, the World Laser Grand Masters Championship sailed in Nuevo, Mexico in 2016. Brett: Do you think that it's psychology...
The article below covers the virtues of defeat and How to Lose to Win. I found this article online, written by Colin D Neal. It was written in 1972 and appeared in Yacht Racing. It is as relevant today as it was then. Let those who consistently sail to victory remain smug and not read this article, lest they see herein...
As sailors, we don't often consider the Importance Of Psychology In Sailboat Racing. In any sport, the higher the level, the more important the state of mind becomes. In racing a sailboat, because of complexity, mastering this aspect is even more critical if you want to win. Top sailors master boat handling, trimming, the rules of racing, meteorology, and sailing in...
      I spoke to Matt Bugg on the subject of mental toughness and psychology in sailing. Matt is a man who has not let adversity stand in his way to achieve great things in our sport. After becoming a paraplegic in a snowboarding accident at 23, Matthew decided to try to reach the pinnacle of Para-sailing, first in Australia and then...
Psychology Of Winning - We need to understand the psychology of winning to become truly great in our sport. Should We Chase The Latest Go-Fast Gear? Too many of us chase newer and better boat designs, faster sails, and the latest go-fast gear and techniques. Perhaps the most important factor to sailboat racing success is psychology. Not to take anything away from...
Participating in a yachting regatta can be a challenging and exhilarating experience but to be competitive you must develop regatta mental toughness. It also requires physical fitness and technical skills. FREE PDF BOOK - 49 TIPS Mental toughness is particularly important as it helps sailors cope with the unpredictable weather conditions, challenging competitors, and the overall stress of competition. In this article, I...
  Below you will find parts of an Interview covering Psychology and Mental Toughness in Sailing that I conducted with champion sailor Dave Dellenbaugh. David is the publisher, editor and author of Speed & Smarts racing newsletter. He was the tactician and starting helmsman on America3 during her successful defence of the America's Cup in 1992 and sailed in three other America's Cup campaigns...
I had a fascinating discussion with Dr Gavin Dagley Consulting Psychologist and Executive coach with a reputation for results and performance development about A Psychologists Take On Sailing You may ask why should I read further and why is Gavin worth listening to? A brief summary of some of Gavin's sailing experience and achievements follows. Some notable Sailing achievements are: 2016 1st...




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