Hailing for Mark Room is Not Required when one boat has rights at a mark. Rule 18 Rule 18 (Mark-Room) begins to apply between two boats when the first one enters the zone at a mark.  The rule says the outside or clear astern boat must provide mark-room. Note that rule 18 never requires an inside or clear ahead boat to make...
This one’s a classic: Staying Out of Trouble at a Mark - If you’re the outside boat of a group approaching the leeward mark and blindly carry on with pace, you’ll sail extra distance in bad air, carry wide around the mark, and then exit in a terrible lane. Slow Down: Staying Out of Trouble at a Mark This is one...
Strategy at the leeward mark is critical and an ineffective plan can cause many places to be lost. Conversely, if you have planned well before reaching the mark, many places can be gained and a good rounding could affect the outcome of the race. FREE SAILING GLOVES Rules at the Leeward Mark Understanding rules at the leeward mark is probably more critical...
Photo by Ludomil Sawicki Have a leeward mark checklist. Although this rounding is like others there is more potential for gain or loss. If you don’t approach the mark correctly, you can easily end up on the outside of a gaggle of boats. If you don’t exit from the mark in good shape, it will be hard to do well on...
I have copied below excerpts from an interview I did with Mark Bulka on Mark Rounding - Planning and Placement. Mark has won World, National and State championships in a number of different classes ranging from single handed monohulls through to catamarans. On top of that he is an accomplished Ocean Racer and has competed in a number of...
I have copied below excerpts from an interview I did with Mark Bulka on Mark  Approach and Rounding Considerations. Mark has won World, National and State championships in a number of different classes ranging from single handed monohulls through to catamarans.  He has also competed in skiffs, sports boats and run Ocean racing campaigns. His experiences and thousands of mark...




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