Improve Your Sailing While in Lockdown. If you are like me, you have been spending time away from the boat. We have used that time to get all things computer and home office up to date. Those jobs that have been carried forward in your diary for what seems like years.
While this has been great, one downside of all this “office” work has been the gradual decline of fitness. There is also the rapid increase of waistline which is even more worrying for those in the older age bracket.
Youth seems to regain fitness and “fighting weight” much easier once regular exercise (read sailing) is possible again.
See below for a couple of tips to get us all ready for the coming easing of isolation and back to on-water activity.
Fitness is one thing but Sailing fitness is especially important. Just because Gyms are closed there is no excuse not to keep your fitness levels up at home.
There are apps available online which will enable you to stay focused by putting a daily routine in place or there are plenty of trainers who understand the needs of sailing athletes that can put together a training routine for you to carry out in your home.
Exercise at the start of the day. When exercising first thing in the morning, your body will be more energised for the day. Do that rather than relying on a daily dose of caffeine for stimulation.
KNOWLEDGE – Improve Your Sailing While in Lockdown
From the aforementioned computer or even your mobile phone, browse the internet. Look for YouTube for videos or articles to improve your sailing.
Browse for articles that specifically look at areas of your sailing that you are weak in. Things such as upwind speed, rules or the myriad of other things that go towards making our sport one of the most complicated there is.
There are sites such as https://sailingtowin.com which have a wealth of tips and articles that are free to browse and download and a few minutes of browsing Google results will give you a wealth of sites that will suit your needs.
Many of us have bookshelves full of books on sailing which we have promised ourselves that we will read someday. That someday has arrived and there will certainly be better long-term value to you in reading about sailing than reading the doom and gloom that is presented by the press every day.
If you don’t have a library or if there are holes in it covering subjects about the type of boat you sail, the type of sailing that you do, or the skill you want to hone, go on the web to the Australian site Boat Books https://www.boatbooks-aust.com.au, or Google Amazon, Booktopia, or one of the many sites on the web selling sailing books, many at a discount.
When we are finally allowed to get back on the water, you won’t get flogged out on the racecourse.