SAILING PRINCIPLES divided into Tactical and Philosophical.


With Special thanks to Mike Hobson – J Boats, Chesapeake USA. SAILING PRINCIPLES divided into Tactical and Philosophical.

SAILING PRINCIPLES divided into Tactical and Philosophical.

TACTICAL – SAILING PRINCIPLES divided into Tactical and Philosophical.

  • Sail on the tack or gybe that points closer to the next mark.
  • Sail in clean air.
  • Sail toward, and in, the most wind pressure.
  • Keep manoeuvres to a minimum.
  • Form a game plan where you want to be after the start and first leg. What is your goal?
  • Be flexible. Even though you have a game plan, be ready to change.
  • A general rule is to be up-current of the rhumb line.
  • Cross the pack when you can. Take advantage when you get it.
  • Get a clean start; allow yourself the start so you can execute your game plan.
  • Avoid the lay lines too early in the leg.

PHILOSOPHICAL – SAILING PRINCIPLES divided into Tactical and Philosophical.

  • Go fast, don’t let outside distractions interfere with your boat speed.
  • Sail fair, don’t break the rules. Like Elvstrom says.
  • Stay out of trouble with competitors. Focus on getting around the course the fastest.
  • Relax, and keep it fun.
  • Think ahead; be observant of what the fleet is going to do on the next wind shift.
  • Don’t panic, be patient, and wait for opportunities to develop.
  • Be prepared; have weather, current, and sailing instructions.
  • Don’t think too much, rely on your experience.
  • Don’t gamble or get greedy.